Inspired by the Tiny Coronavirus stories, which have appeared on the Artists & Climate Change website (which were in turn inspired by the New York Times’ Tiny Modern Love Stories), we are curating a series of Micro-Climate stories.
We would love for you to contribute a short piece that voices your relationship to our changing climate: a micro-narrative, micro-essay, micro-monologue or poem. Have you observed something or has something happened to you recently that has altered your vision of the world, of the climate emergency and its impact on your life and how you imagine the future?
Formatting requirements:
- 150 words or less
- Word or PDF document
- A photo of you for our website and 20-word bio (optional)
Email for more information or to submit your Micro-Climate story.
Banner photo credit: Rihab Essayh, Jardin Automate/ Automaton Garden, 2017-2018.