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New MSc Candidate awarded for undergrad success

Jason Yap, the newest graduate student in the Tremaine Group, is accepting a prestigious award this week for success in his undergraduate program at University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM).

Jason has won The Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (Canadian Section), for having the highest grades in the Forensic Chemistry specialist program at UTM in his year. The award is presented to the top undergraduates across Canada in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Chemical Engineering specialist programs. The award was originally established at the University of Toronto Mississauga (formerly Erindale College) in 1979 by The Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).

SCI itself was established in England in 1881:

to advance applied chemistry in all its branches. To afford its members opportunities for the interchange of ideas with respect to improvements in the various chemical industries and for the discussion of all
matter bearing upon the practice of applied chemistry and the publication of the information thereon.

– SCI Merit Awards Brochure 1979

Jason will be honoured at a ceremony in Toronto for awardees from across Canada. Congratulations Jason!